And the support kept rolling in from everywhere...


In the past few months, the revival of a safe and strong securitisation market as a key priority for Europe's future has received high level support from numerous directions, including the ECB's president, its Governing Council, the Eurogroup and the finance ministers of France and Germany. This week, more support came from Enrico Letta in his report on the European Single Market.

The report was commissioned by EU leaders last year. It was designed and is likely to influence the European Council’s strategic agenda for the next five years following the elections in June of a new Parliament and the appointment of the new Commission. For a 144 page report of enormous scope encompassing amongst other topics defence, the energy markets, healthcare and transport as well as finance it is a tribute to the importance that has been gained by securitisation that it deserved its own paragraph, short but not insignificant. To spare our readers from having to read the whole document (although we would recommend it to gain insight in what is moving Brussels) the securitisation paragraph appears on page 32.

And the support kept rolling in from everywhere...
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