SFIG set up a task force to engage in the debate in Europe around HQS


The Structured Finance Industry Group (SFIG), a broad based association representing all parts of the US securitisation industry, has just set up a task force to craft a response to the EBA consultation on securitisation.  PCS believes that, in 2015, the EBA’s report following its consultation will be a key element of the developments that are likely to take place around high quality securitisation in Europe and will probably be the locomotive that drives forward the entire process.  PCS warmly welcomes SFIG’s engagement with these key developments.  It will provide an opportunity to maintain a debate at a global level which can only be a positive for the securitisation industry in Europe.  The announcement may be found on the SFIG site under “Advocacy Outlook”.

SFIG set up a task force to engage in the debate in Europe around HQS
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