Rapporteurs and some shadow rapporteurs are appointed by the European Parliament


Today the S&D and the EPP groups have appointed the rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs on the two key securitisation files to be dealt with in 2016.  On the STS securitisation file, as expected, the rapporteurship went to the S&D group in the person of Paul Tang, the Dutch MEP.  The EPP shadow rapporteur will be Mr Karas, from Austria.  On the CRR file, dealing with changes to the capital requirements for banks investing in securitisations, the rapporteurship will be held by the EPP in the guise of Pablo Zalba Bidegain from Spain.  The S&D shadow rapporteur on the CRR file will be another Spaniard, Jonas Alvarez.  The other groups are expected to nominate their shadow rapporteurs very soon.  This will allow the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs to start work on these two key files as soon as the Parliament reconvenes after the break.

Rapporteurs and some shadow rapporteurs are appointed by the European Parliament
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